Our Background

RBM Training Solutions (Pty) Ltd is a business solutions company at the heart of critical knowledge and skills development which was founded in 2018 by Miss Bulelwa Mdleleni. The company specialize in corporate research, corporate training courses, seminars and conferences in various domains of both local and international public and private sectors.

The company founder is backed by a strong team filled with knowledge and experience in their respective areas. The company is operating on sound business principles and adheres to always exceeding on customer satisfaction and never compromising on workmanship quality.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide world-class training and skills development to produce professional, knowledgeable individuals. We are dedicated to the philosophy that success is based upon hard work, dedication and a solid education..

Our Services

RBM Training Solutions provides ground breaking and practical solutions that enable our clients and partners to thrive in their respective business sectors. We aim to be innovative and always come up with custom made solutions in order to reach our clients organisational goals and still provide a superior service while exceeding clients expectations. Our team has the resources and knowledge to better position our clients organisation in such a way that the intended message will reach its targeted audience.

Corporate upskilling courses

Corporate courses are specialized training programs designed for employees of a company or organization. These courses aim to enhance specific skills, improve knowledge, and develop competencies that are relevant to the organization’s.

Business conferences

Thought leaders to discuss and explore various aspects of a specific industry or business-related topics. These are platforms for networking, knowledge sharing, and learning about the latest trends.

Seminars & workshops

Seminars and workshops are interactive learning events that provide participants with focused training, hands-on experiences, and practical knowledge in a specific area of interest or skill development.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

